Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Update on life with Elizabeth

Life is good. Elizabeth has been home since March 10th and things are starting to run smoothly with her home. Now that I've said that Murphy's Law will kick and things will go nuts here. The other day she actually took a long nap which she's never done. I got to do some cleaning in the kitchen which was great. I even vacuumed for the first time since she's been home today. She hated the sound of the vacuum but it really needed to be done. I was tired of tracking cat hair all over the place. She's getting so big now. She weighs almost 12 pounds right now.
Just for size comaprison.
Less than a day after she was born:
2 days ago.

Like I said, she's huge. She's smiling, and laughing now. She even tries to talk with me which is a great source of amusement for both of us. If I say okay she tries to say it. It's amazing how fast she's grown and changed just over the space of almost two months.