Friday, January 15, 2010


My favorite picture of Elizabeth taken in November

She loves her bouncer.

mmmm feet!

Elizabeth back in September

I have no time to blog anymore! Elizabeth is such a little tornado of energy. She chases the cats constantly, mostly Mona, but every once in awhile she gets after Luci too. She's crawling like crazy, cruising along furniture, standing and falling quite a bit as well. Mostly she stands aided by furniture or Mommy but every once in awhile I see her stand without any support. It's phenomenal. She's babbling constantly, telling me all sorts of stories, even if I don't understand what she's saying. She clearly says Dada, Momo, Ma, Ba, and ata or agan. Momo maybe her trying to say Mona, ata I believe is kitty, and agan may be again, or attack. I'm not sure. Diane has also heard her say kaka, and encore or something close to it. I've heard her say uh oh, ki ki, ki ka, la gah, yeah and occasionally weee. It's a hoot. She wears me out. It's been hard the last couple of weeks with her though. She hasn't been sleeping through the night. She wakes anywhere from three to six times a night, or more and it's driving us batty. I have absolutely no reserves of energy. Diane and Real offered to watch her for us last night, and tonight so we could sleep. I'm taking my French class tonight, I skipped it Wednesday night because I could barely comprehend English let alone French. Elizabeth had been awake some seven or eight times the night before and I was burned. We have no idea what's waking her up, she sleeps through the night with no problems at her grandparents. I'm doing better mentally, I'm seeing a psychologist, and taking paxil. I had been having a ton of problems coping with her early birth, the long NICU stay, and all of the stuff that happened with her in the NICU, and it finally blew up in my face back in August. I was having nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety attacks, and severe depression, along with suicidal thoughts. Plus all of this fresh trauma was bringing back old traumas from my past. Not pretty. So I got back onto Paxil at the beginning of December and I'm feeling much, much better. Knitting helps too, of course. I'm trying to finish up a bonnet for Elizabeth before I move on to her hoodie. And I want to make a devil horned earflap hat for myself, and a scarf to go with my heavy winter coat. Plus a hat and scarf to go with my light winter/fall coat. And I have yarn that I want to turn into a sweater for myself. Mom bought me this lovely yarn in the Netherlands at an outdoor market and gave it to me when she visited this summer.