Saturday, May 9, 2009

She did something cool!

On Monday Elizabeth was on her belly for tummy time and she flipped herself over onto her back. She did it three more times on Tuesday. She hasn't done it since then but I'm thinking this is just the beginning for her to be rolling over. She plays with her toys now especially the ones that hang down from her little floor mat gym. Her neck is less stiff and she'll turn her head side to side with more ease now although it's probably not as good as it should be. Her back is better but she still likes to arch it a lot. It's all a work in progress with her. We see the neurologist and the pulmonologist in two weeks so we will know better what's going on with her brain, and her lungs then. I'm really curious as to what the neurologist will think when they see her. It's amazing to see how much she has changed just in a week. She's smiling more and more and "talking" more too.

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